
Developing a Deeper Relationship with God

We all long to be close to others. What if we were designed to be close with God? This episode describes this longing and how to make practical steps forward in our relationship with God.

It all Started with a Question

Our true connection started with a question. “What is your greatest desire for the church today?” We’d already been talking for thirty minutes, give-or-take. We’d introduced ourselves and explained what we do for a living. We’d found common ground in our commitment to sharing the gospel, to the Word of God, and to our desire to see communities helped through compassion ministries. Many commonalities filled our time and conversation: our families, our faith, and our work. Our conversation remained informational, however, touching on strategy and progress. Then I dug in. “What is your greatest desire for the church today?” I…

What’s Your Why?

Hero of American History Harriet Tubman knew her Why. Harriet is remembered for rescuing more than 70 black men, women, and children from slavery prior to the Civil War. Harriet had escaped her own captivity, and gained freedom, however, it wasn’t enough. Harriet returned to the south again and again risking her life to lead countless other lives to safety. Later, Harriet served as a wartime Union spy, helping to abolish slavery for all. Harriett risked everything to fulfill the purpose for which she was made. She knew what God had created and prepared her for. She knew her Why. God created…

Thank You Jesus, for Thursday

Written during Holy Week 2020 Tomorrow we remember Jesus’ crucifixion, the pain He suffered, and the blood He shed to free us from our sin. It’s the holiest of days on the Christian calendar, a day to remember Jesus love-sacrifice on our behalf. But what about today? What is it that makes today “Maundy Thursday,” or “Holy Thursday” depending on your tradition? Thursday was a day that Jesus bore excruciating pain. This pain was emotional pain. On Thursday, during the celebration of the Jewish Passover, with full knowledge of all that was about to happen to Him, Jesus got up from…


It’s International Women’s Day – I don’t know the origins of the day or what it’s entirely about, but I know a lot of women worth celebrating.   “A woman of noble character, who can find?  She is more precious than I can describe.” She is a craftsman and an artist, making the world a more beautiful place. Without compensation, she leaves her corporate job to rescue women and children entrapped by abuse and violence. She provides shelter and food for the homeless, and tells them of their worth. She actively raises funds to support this good work. She raises funds wherever she…

When God Writes Your Story

On this, the anniversary of a significant decision in my life, I remember the goodness of God. And I am ever so thankful for His call on my life. I continue to pray that He will guide me in every step. From 2015: I first felt God calling me into ministry several years ago.  My mom had passed away suddenly, and I had been in shock and dealing with grief.  When a person grieves, she asks a lot of questions of God, even if she knows the answers or knows her questions aren’t meant to be answered. God can handle…

Burn the Ships

This weekend marks 8 years since my mother passed away on July 12, 2011, and as with any major life event, the anniversary brings a time of reflection and assessment. It’s been quite a ride: highest highs and lowest lows. My time of paralyzing loss was followed by new normals, daily adjustments, and new vision. Surrender to God and His best good led me to take a giant step away from my career in physical therapy and to seek His direction as He began calling me to ministry. At first the call came faintly, here, there, a whisper, “love them,”…

What I Want from 2019

I’m grateful for the reset button that comes naturally every January 1st. Here are some of my goals for the new year.

A Simple Man and a Timeless Truth

A Simple Man and a Timeless Truth I’ll never forget the day Grandpa taught me how to use the drill press. I was a girl of about 11 spending a warm summer day at Grandma & Grandpa’s, just down the road on our family farm. Grandpa was doing some carpentry in the garage when he offered to teach me the use of the machine.  I wasn’t sure about the press at first, but I loved the soft whir of the motor and the twisty shavings that piled up around the project, so I let Grandpa become my mentor. First I…

Rain can be Beautiful

Mom ran across the kitchen floor, arms and fingers stretched out in front of her aimed at the sky, “Rain!” “Beautiful Rain!” Rain is beautiful to a farmer. Nothing grows without it. Mom’s sweetcorn depended on spring showers, and we hadn’t seen it for a month.  The sweet kernels we sold at our roadside market would be underdeveloped and tasteless without it.   Because its sale provided school clothes and shoes for my older brother and me, sweetcorn was essential to our family. Of the many memories I hold of growing up a farmer’s daughter, some of the most emotional…

God’s Spirit

God’s Spirit: It has long been clear to me that mankind is so much more than the world might have us believe. We are created with a spirit that images God (Genesis 1:26), and in fact, if we follow Jesus Christ we have His Spirit living within us (2 Timothy 1:14). This fact is never more real to me than 1. Occasions like last night when 600 men, women, and children came together to worship on a weekday evening and God’s Spirit was present, moving, and glorified… and 2. Encounters like I had today. I was working with an 87-year-old…