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Disciplemaking in America’s Rural Churches
If you are a rural church pastor, you may be wonder, “Can my church successfully grow generations of disciplemakers?” The question is understandable. Often, disciplemaking strategies are geared toward churches in urban settings where diversity and population density are significant factors in planning. While conversations regarding the urban church are vital, the rural church faces…
No “I” in Team
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. African Proverb As Navigators, our collective desire is to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost. This means attuning ourselves to the ways God is leading us…
An Open Letter to my Daughters, and all Daughters of God
I am so proud of each of you as you follow God’s call on your lives! My greatest prayer is that you learn to hear from Him, cultivating a deep and abiding relationship with the one who loves you perfectly. As He leads you further into your calling, be the kind of leader who will…
The Woman Without a Name
Desperate. She was desperate. The hope she once held had dried up like an autumn leaf: fallen, blown about, and trampled underfoot. Pain and longing replaced the hope she had once known. When would relief come? Thirst. It was as ravaging as anything she had ever known. At times, it consumed her. But her…
Latest Podcast Episodes
Biblical Joy
We were created for joy, which is a deep contentment and sense of satisfaction that goes beyond our circumstances. Come join us for a conversation about biblical joy and how to find it in light of the Larger Story of God’s love for us.
Biblical Community
In Genesis, we find that isolation and being alone is “not good.” We were made for community. This episode explores the essentials of biblical community and why it is so important to have spiritual friendships.
Developing a Deeper Relationship with God
We all long to be close to others. What if we were designed to be close with God? This episode describes this longing and how to make practical steps forward in our relationship with God.
Our Story in light of God’s Larger Redemptive Story: Season 1, Episode 1
In this episode, get to know the women behind Corner Pillars. We each have a unique story, which helps us to adorn the palace of the King. We share the ways that God has been at work to shape us into Corner Pillars, identifying the areas of strength and beauty that have been woven into…
What Faith Leaders Say
I have worked with faith leaders from several denominations and traditions. Here's what they have to say.
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