

I’m a day late and a dollar short.  My friend Sara invited me to #Write31Days but I just learned about this challenge today.  For the rest of the month of October I am going to try to blog daily just to get in the habit of writing and not being too perfectionistic to post. My…

The Simple Gospel (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, March 18, 2015)

I have written recently of my love for the Scriptures and of growing out of the “baby stage” of following Christ.  With that said, I would like to say that the gospel itself, the “good news” about Jesus, is not difficult to understand.  In 1 Corinthians 15 we find a quick outline of that gospel: “that…

My Love for the Scriptures (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, March 13, 2015)

 In my last post I mentioned my love for the Scriptures. That seems to be an unpopular position these days. We live in a time when the authenticity and authority of the Scriptures is in constant question.  I think it’s easy for some people to question the Scriptures because we so often see them misunderstood and…

It’s not what you know, but Who you know (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, February 23, 2015)

 It’s not what you know, but Who you know I’ve done more reading in the last two years than I’ve done in the past 25 years put together.  At least it seems that way.  I’ve never been an avid reader, never gotten hooked on romance or adventure novels, and always found my relaxation in active things such as hiking…

Lift Each Other Up (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, February 17, 2015)

Lift Each Other Up (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, February 17, 2015)

My last post was about building each other up. That topic and this one tug at my heart. As God’s children, we not only need to build each other up, we need to LIFT each other up.  Great leaders don’t rise to the top by stepping on the backs of others.  Great leaders are lifted to the top on the shoulders…

Build Each Other Up (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, January 23, 2015)

Build Each Other Up (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, January 23, 2015)

 When I was a kid we used to drive by a beautiful red barn on our way to the city. I always looked for it because it was tall, stately, and brightly decorated. One set of barn doors was painted with big white diamonds like an argyle sweater. Another sported a large bulls eye. Great…

Calling, part II (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, January 7, 2015)

    I have called you by your name and you are mine. Isaiah 43:1 I first felt God calling me into ministry a few years ago.  My mom had passed away suddenly, and I had been in shock and dealing with grief.  When a person grieves she asks a lot of questions of God, even…

Calling, part I (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, December 28, 2014)

Calling, part I (republished from Fruitfulsteps.wordpress.com, December 28, 2014)

Following is a reflection I wrote for a website a few years ago when I was first hearing a call to ministry. I want to share this journey, which has been all by the grace of God, and all for the glory of God. Like newborn babies, we grow to maturity one milestone at a…