An Open Letter to my Daughters, and all Daughters of God

I am so proud of each of you as you follow God’s call on your lives! My greatest prayer is that you learn to hear from Him, cultivating a deep and abiding relationship with the one who loves you perfectly. As He leads you further into your calling, be the kind of leader who will inspire others to follow. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, don’t seek to be flattered, but seek to imitate the life of Christ, that it may be multiplied in others.

Be courageous.
Women God uses display resilience in the face of hardship and opposition. You have an ever-present help in times of trouble. Pursue the place where you hear God call your deepest heart to meet the world’s deepest needs.

  • Consider Esther, who risked her life to appear before a king uninvited. Young as she was, through her courage she saved her race from threatened genocide.

Love others deeply.
Invest in people selflessly. Your heart will be filled with joy when you see others experiencing the love you have come to know in Christ alone.  

  • Consider Lydia, a wealthy businesswoman whose entire family followed her conversion. She hosted a burgeoning church in Philippi, daring to care for Paul and Silas who had been beaten and later released from a Roman prison. Men and women alike were blessed by her care and met in her home to worship.

Face adversity with courage.
When God calls, hear His voice. Honor the Scriptures and don’t get caught up in power struggles. Instead, be the kind of person who gets invited to the space you hope to occupy. 

  • Consider Deborah, God-appointed “Mother in Israel,” who was sorely needed in her time. She not only served as a trusted advisor, prophetess, and judge, but also led in battle against a brutal enemy.

Love God.
Sit at His feet every day. Learn to know His voice and respond back to Him. Let His words teach you more than just what to believe. Let them fill you and form your very life! Move in harmony with Him, and you will find peace.

  • Consider Mary of Bethany, who sat learning at Jesus’ feet. She didn’t fear tradition. She knew where she belonged. Jesus commended her for this, and gave her insight that exceeded other followers.

Submit to the Father.
The ultimate good, ultimate power, and ultimate liberation is found in bowing the knee to the one who loves you and gave Himself for you!  Don’t be fooled into thinking you need to go out and take what’s yours. This is a worldly message. Be wise in knowing your greatest good is found in yielding to Him, even when it seems hard. God is the giver of all good things.

  • Consider Mary, mother of Jesus, who could have been rejected, abandoned, or even stoned. Yet with courage she submitted to the Father’s will and risked life and limb to carry and birth the Savior. Later she watched him suffer and die. Yet, her sacrifice of submission has earned her the title, “Most blessed among women.” 

These courageous women did not shrink back, but stepped forward when God called, and have been written in God’s history as those approved. 

Finally, remember: it is Christ from whom you draw your breath. By Him you are chosen and called. Don’t credit yourself with your accomplishments and victories; rather, redirect accolades to the One who alone is worthy of glory! Remember it isHe who is your first love, your comforter, your leader, and your strength. Keep your eyes on Him as He holds you securely. Honor Him in all things. Remember what He has done in you and for you. Choose Him always, daughter of mine, and Daughter of God!

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