As a believer in Jesus Christ, my primary calling is to love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. I derive my unique calling in the Kingdom of God from this general and universal calling. I like to put it this way: “Love God, Invest in People.”  To me, this means devoting my time, my energy, and my resources to walk with others in the faith, partnering in their good, their growth, and their development into all they can be in Christ.

Latest Posts

Disciplemaking in America’s Rural Churches

By Vicki Gatchell | February 21, 2024

If you are a rural church pastor, you may be wonder, “Can my church successfully grow generations of disciplemakers?”  The question is understandable. Often, disciplemaking strategies are geared toward churches in urban settings where diversity and population density are significant factors in planning. While conversations regarding the urban church are vital, the rural church faces…

No “I” in Team

By Vicki Gatchell | October 6, 2023

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.  African Proverb As Navigators, our collective desire is to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost. This means attuning ourselves to the ways God is leading us…

An Open Letter to my Daughters, and all Daughters of God

By Vicki Gatchell | March 23, 2023

I am so proud of each of you as you follow God’s call on your lives! My greatest prayer is that you learn to hear from Him, cultivating a deep and abiding relationship with the one who loves you perfectly. As He leads you further into your calling, be the kind of leader who will…

The Woman Without a Name

By Vicki Gatchell | January 30, 2023

Desperate. She was desperate. The hope she once held had dried up like an autumn leaf: fallen, blown about, and trampled underfoot. Pain and longing replaced the hope she had once known. When would relief come?   Thirst. It was as ravaging as anything she had ever known. At times, it consumed her. But her…

Latest Podcast Episodes

Eternal Perspective

By Vicki Gatchell | August 2, 2024

How can having an eternal perspective enhance our day to day life here and now? Join us for this episode on having an eternal perspective.


By Vicki Gatchell | July 11, 2024

We are meaning-making creatures–looking for identity, purpose, and significance in this life. This episode is a conversation about identity, pointing to the truths of Scripture to help us find our identity in Christ.

Biblical Joy

By Vicki Gatchell | June 22, 2024

We were created for joy, which is a deep contentment and sense of satisfaction that goes beyond our circumstances. Come join us for a conversation about biblical joy and how to find it in light of the Larger Story of God’s love for us.

Biblical Community

By Vicki Gatchell | May 16, 2024

In Genesis, we find that isolation and being alone is “not good.” We were made for community. This episode explores the essentials of biblical community and why it is so important to have spiritual friendships.

What Faith Leaders Say

I have worked with faith leaders from several denominations and traditions. Here's what they have to say.

Sara Baldwin

Do you have someone in your life that inspires you to move closer to Jesus every time you sit down just to chat? That’s what Vicki Gatchell is for me. She’s gracefully convicting, honest, persistent in following Jesus, and audacious in serving those around her. I pray you have a person like that in your life. A person that leads you to know Jesus.

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Juliet Hurst
Pastor of Spiritual Growth | River City Church

“The mission of most churches is to make disciples! The problem is, most of us have no idea how to go about doing this. We therefore rely on programs, flashy advertising and believe “bigger is better.” Then I met Vicki Gatchell who showed me there was a different way…a better way…a way where we can follow Jesus’ example. The way was “start small, go slow, and go deep.” Discipleship is about relationship where we walk alongside another person. Being coached by Vicki has been a blessing and a joy. I now have someone who walks alongside me in the messiness of ministry. She shares my joys, struggles, highs and lows….

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AJ Swanson
Lead Pastor - Cornerstone (Hicksville, OH)

Discipleship isn’t a flash in the pan. It is a lifelong process of intentionally growing deeper and deeper in our walk with Jesus. Vicki not only understands this, she lives it. Having someone come alongside our church as we develop a discipleship culture has been such a blessing. We are so grateful that the Lord would bring us someone like Vicki to help us!

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