“…and she whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed” -wise old woman, that one in the shoe.
Two nights ago we whipped 2018 soundly and sent it to bed. Surrounded by long-time friends, we rung in the new year with laughter, memories, and, for me, the hope of a new day. I’ve been working on that new day for some time and I’m grateful for the reset button that comes naturally every January 1st. Here are some of my goals for the new year:
- Love, Disciple, Teach
- Finish Life Coach training and become a Life Coach
- Grow and promote a new ministry I began in late 2018, Philemon7Ministries
- Pursue expanded vision in the ministry I lead vocationally
- Read, pray and live my life purpose every day (below)

To say it’s been a difficult year would be an understatement. It’s been a difficult season. I’ve shed more tears in the past 4 months than I shed in the previous twenty years combined. I’ve struggled with depression, and I’ve experienced deep loss. I’ve been grieving. But I always live with hope. Left to my own devices I’m a solid realist, not an optimist. But hope lies outside ourselves, and I’m rooted there.
I live with hope because I’ve seen my ROCK bring me through everything in the past into new days that bring growth, renewal and spiritual prosperity. And to say Jesus is my HOPE is not to brush off, but to embrace problems, challenges, and trials.
So I’m praying, “God help me to do this well. Help me to lead in ways that are graceful and truthful, and are of you. Solidly, solely, YOU.”
So what do I want from 2019?
- A commitment to truth: telling it, teaching it, living it
- A commitment to grace: giving it, accepting it, living it
- Setting aside fear: of rejection, of loss, of others (Psalm 56)
- The growth of something new
And as I look back, 2018 was not all tears. There were joys as well.
- Allison capped off her 10-year hurdle career and a Bachelor’s degree, as she earned her degree in Environmental Science and Biology from Grace College in May.
- Katy completed her time in Spokane, Washington with Moody Bible Institute, earning her Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies. She moved on to Denver Seminary where she began graduate school in August, pursuing a degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, with an added concentration in School Counseling.
- We said goodbye to our home in Leo, Indiana, finally settling back in the great state of Ohio, where my family has engaged in farming since 1861.
- We celebrated the wedding of my friend Cheryl to a great guy named Bob, enjoying a beautiful ceremony at Shoaff Park
- After much begging by all our children, we got a new puppy. Samson is as troublesome as can be, but generally brings a lot of fun and joy to the house.
- I was able to visit Denver twice, once to preview Denver Seminary with Katy, and another time with the family to take a load of furniture for Katy’s new apartment.
- I was priviledged to experience the last-ever concert of my all-time favorite band, Third Day at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Denver and to make some new friends within their incredibly loyal fanbase, the best in Christian music!
- As a family, we cheered cousin Garrett on to victory at War Memorial Stadium in Laramie, WY as the Pokes defeated Woffard September 15.
- My brother got married on our family farm on Black Friday, so I gained a kind sister-in-law named Bridgett.
- I made some new friends, and deepened other friendships.
- I became a chicken owner.
- I’m a little weathered, but I grew some more grit.
So, here we go 2019. I’ve already failed at loving, and I’m down with the flu. There’s nowhere to go but up. Let’s do this…