Written during Holy Week 2020

Tomorrow we remember Jesus’ crucifixion, the pain He suffered, and the blood He shed to free us from our sin. It’s the holiest of days on the Christian calendar, a day to remember Jesus love-sacrifice on our behalf. But what about today? What is it that makes today “Maundy Thursday,” or “Holy Thursday” depending on your tradition? Thursday was a day that Jesus bore excruciating pain. This pain was emotional pain. On Thursday, during the celebration of the Jewish Passover, with full knowledge of all that was about to happen to Him, Jesus got up from the table and washed his disciples feet as an act of service. He also explained how the wine they shared was as His blood, that was to be poured out for them for the forgiveness of their sins. His body would be as broken as the bread He shared with them. He spoke words of reassurance to them, saying, “Don’t let your heart be troubled, trust in God, and trust in Me.” He promised them His abiding presence, the coming of the Holy Spirit, and peace. He reassured them of the Father’s love.
Following His great promises to them, a night of deep pain ensued for Jesus. One of his closest friends had already struck the deal to betray Jesus into the hands of the authorities. Another friend declared pridefully that he would NEVER deny Jesus, and later did so three times. In deep anguish, knowing all that was about to happen to Him, Jesus invited his three closest friends to come with him into the garden to pray. Going in further on his own, he asked his friends to keep watch, and pray. Instead they fell asleep. Even when Jesus admitted his soul was “full of sorrow to the point of death” his disciples could not stay awake to comfort Him. Jesus was isolated and alone at His greatest time of need. Jesus asked the Father if the responsibility for the sin of the world could pass from Him. It could not. So Jesus submitted Himself to the will of the Father. For you. For me.
Oh, precious Jesus! Not only did you endure the physical pain of tomorrow, but the emotional pain of today. Words are not enough to say thank you for being a God who understands. Thank you, Jesus, for Thursday.