
Distorted Glory
This season we are looking at holistic disciple-making. In order to do this well, we must identify the distortions that…
Disciple-making Vision: Restoring the Image of God
The restoration of the image of God in broken humanity is the ultimate vision and purpose that God has for…
Finding our Identity as Women in Christ part 2
This is part 2 of the discussion regarding women as “ezers”–a term used for Eve in Genesis 2. We learn…
Identity as Women in Christ
In a world full of mixed messages and competing narratives about womanhood, the Bible’s description and prescription for femininity is…
Being an effective witness
What does a flashlight have to do with sharing our faith? Listen to today’s episode to see how a gentle…
How truth restores our soul
We are often told to read the Bible and to study God’s Word, but we are not always given a…
The Shema
What is the Shema and why is this prayer important to modern day believers in Jesus? Join us as we…
The indwelling and illuminating presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian
Many people talk about the important role that the Holy Spirit plays in the life of a believer in Jesus….
Eternal Perspective
How can having an eternal perspective enhance our day to day life here and now? Join us for this episode…
We are meaning-making creatures–looking for identity, purpose, and significance in this life. This episode is a conversation about identity, pointing…