What if?

What if?

What if Donald Trump is elected as the next President of the United States? What if Hillary Clinton is elected as the next President of the United States? On November 8th I will go to the polls and vote, just as I always have since I came of age. Then I will be glad it’s…

Looking for God’s Work

Looking for God’s Work

I’ve been more than a little distracted the past few weeks by this glorious autumn season.  I’m accomplishing the urgent things, but I’ve slacked on my commitment to blog through our current study, ‘Experiencing God.’ Instead, I’ve been spending time outside, particularly on the family farm, and often in the woods. I’m totally nerding-out on fungi this…

A Gracious Spirit

A Gracious Spirit

I’ve been in a little bit of a funk for a few weeks, struggling with some decisions and change that came into my life.   Maybe, if you’re like me, you struggle in times of change too. You wonder whether you’ve heard God right, wavering as to whether the current change is related to a lack of listening,…

Way Beyond Me

Way Beyond Me

In a little over a month, our daughter Katy will leave to spend her fall semester studying in Italy. There she will complete classes for her Biblical Studies major, including studying the Italian Reformation in the land where it all took place.  After that, she hopes to spend another semester in Germany and Switzerland during the 500th anniversary of…

He Himself is Our Peace

He Himself is Our Peace

“If someone had written this year in the news as a novel, I would have ridiculed the plot as amateurishly unrealistic.” -Russell Moore Grieved? Helpless? Disgusted? Numb? What’s next?  Massacres, shootings, hatred, terror, racism, murder, crazy politics, religious liberty in question, a nation that is divided on so many issues we can’t even name them…